Member Guidelines

All Members agree to abide by the following:
  1. Communicate with Grace and Truth. Help us create a welcoming and safe environment in alignment with the purpose and values of Collective Good.
  2. Be a Cheerleader. We are for one another and want to see each other succeed. You can help someone keep going. Generously encourage others in this community.
  3. No intentional controversy or off-topic debate. Our community isn’t the place for political commentary, discussions on theological differences, or hot-button debates. Use other platforms for those discussions. Discuss on-topic differences of opinion with respect and kindness. Bullying of any kind isn't allowed and will not be tolerated.
  4. No Spam. Give more than you take to this group. Self-promotion, spam, irrelevant links, or inappropriate content aren't allowed. Collective Good reserves the right to delete, move or edit any content that it considers unacceptable or inappropriate. You will have opportunities to share your personal work and links when prompted in specific posts by our team.
  5. Respect Everyone's Privacy. Being part of this community requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great but may also be sensitive and private. What's shared in the group should stay in the group.
  6. Be Yourself. There are no silly questions. We want to support and get to know YOU! Don’t impersonate an individual or an entity in a misleading or deceptive manner.